
9th Degrowth Summer School 2023

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The Degrowth Summer School 2023 will be focused on Degrowth and Policy due to R&D collaboration with the Green European Foundation and the launch of the Degrowth Brief series. You can find summaries of these below:

  1. A Green New Deal without Growth: This brief examines what a Green New Deal without growth would look like, how it would differ from the European Green Deal, what its social dimensions would be, and how it could be financed.
  2. A Universal Care Income: The brief will explain what a Care Income is, what are its differences from other Basic Income proposals, how it could be financed, what social effects it might have, and how it can be implemented at EU and national state levels.
  3. Trade Unions and Degrowth: The brief will be looking at opportunities and obstacles for the trade union movement to join the Degrowth debates. It examines concrete Degrowth-oriented policies that might appeal to Trade Unions and the labour movement, and action that can be developed in relation at the EU level.
  4. Municipalities and Degrowth: The brief will focus on Degrowth strategies for cities and municipalities and discuss the role of municipalities as actors of transformation and adaptation.
  5. Degrowth in Fashion: Fashion is a major cause of ecological and climate damage, poverty and inequality. The brief highlights our current growth model as the real culprit by guiding people to imagine a different economy based on a Global Green New Deal (GGND).