
COODING: cooperatives on digital and new technologies

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Cooperatives Europe are happy to invite you to COODING, the inaugural international event focusing on digital and emerging technologies within the cooperative sector. This event is set to take place on 29th and 30th September at Spazio Dumbo in Bologna.

Why should you attend COODING? As the digital landscape evolves, new technologies such as AI, blockchain, and data platforms are creating fresh entrepreneurial opportunities that cooperatives must seize. COODING is designed to provide a platform for cooperators to explore and discuss the application of these technologies in alignment with cooperative principles and values.

We believe it’s crucial for the cooperative movement to understand the implications of technology use and leverage it to benefit our workers and achieve our goals. This includes fostering new start-ups that directly experiment with these technologies within the cooperative realm, as well as supporting the digital transformation of existing cooperatives to ensure their market competitiveness.

Intercooperation, a core value of the cooperative movement, has immense potential to align the digital needs of existing cooperatives with the services offered by innovative tech cooperatives.

COODING, which stands for COOperatives Digital Innovation & Networking Growth, is organized by Fondazione Centro Studi Doc, CECOP, Fondazione PICO, and AlmaVicoo. The event will feature a main conference, thematic workshops, a cooperative fair, and opportunities to engage with mentors.

COODING aims to foster a shared digital mindset among cooperators through expert meetings, showcasing best practices of cooperatives, B2B opportunities, and peer exchanges.

This event is open to all members of the cooperative movement, including cooperatives, cooperative representative organizations, major stakeholders of the Italian, European, and global cooperative movement, as well as academics and policy makers.

Don’t miss out on this unique opportunity for intercooperation. If you’re interested in joining us in Bologna, click here to register. The event will be held in person, but a streaming option will be available for those who can’t attend physically. Interpretation will be provided in English and Italian.

For more information, feel free to reach out to:

Please note that this event is co-funded by the European Union. The views and opinions expressed are solely those of the organizers and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Commission. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.