
[nueva fecha: noviembre] La Economía de Francisco

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Espacios históricos de Asís acogen durante tres días talleres, conferencias y seminarios en un evento que, auspiciado por el papa Francisco para hacer la economía de hoy y mañana justa e inclusiva, reunirá a figuras mundiales del desarrollo sostenible y las ciencias sociales: Amartya Sen, Muhammad Yunus, Vandana Shiva y Jeffrey Sachs entre otros.

The Economy of Francesco is an international meeting between young scholars and activists in the field of Economics, convened by Pope Francis.

The title of the event clearly refers to the saint of Assisi, an example par excellence of care for the least of the earth and for an integral ecology, but it also refers to Pope Francis.  Ever since he wrote Evangelii Gaudium and then Laudato Si’, he has denounced the pathological state of so much of the world ‘s economy extending an invitation to put in place a new economic model.

The Holy Father met with the Bishop of Assisi, Domenico Sorrentino and the economist Luigino Bruni, Professor of Political Economy at Lumsa because of his genuine concern for the world. The idea of addressing the challenges of the economy, starting from the thought and economic action of young people, was supported enthusiastically by the Holy Father. This resulted in a call addressed to young economists and entrepreneurs of the world.

The organization of the event The Economy of Francesco. Young people, a pact, the future – Assisi 2020 immediately required the setting up of a Committee to get to work organising all that is necessary for the preparation of such an important initiative. The Diocese of Assisi, the Seraphic Institute, the Municipality of Assisi and the Economy of Communion are all members of the committee, in regular contact with Cardinal Peter Kodwo Appiah Turkson, Prefect of the Vatican Department for the Service of Integral Human Development, who is the patron of the initiative.

programa asis 2020