
The SSE on Stage: From the Margins to the Mainstream

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In 2020, the OECD launched the Global Action “Promoting Social and Solidarity Economy Ecosystems”, funded by the European Union’s Foreign Partnership Instrument, that will cover more than 30 countries over a period of three years. This work targets all EU countries and non-EU countries such as Brazil, Canada, India, Korea, Mexico and the United States.

The 1st conference of the Global Action will take place from 13 to 16 September 2021 under the title The Social and Solidarity Economy on Stage: from the Margins to the Mainstream.

As part of the conference, we have launched a call for papers and case studies highlighting policies, initiatives and practices on a range of topics concerning the social and solidarity economy. Stories will be featured in OECD work highlighting international good practices. There may also be the chance to present your findings at the conference. Check the call and share your story by 7 May 2021.

Call for Papers and Case Studies

In the run up to the conference, the OECD is launching a call for papers and case studies. Papers and case studies should cover one or more countries targeted by the Global Action: EU Member States, Brazil, Canada, India, Korea, Mexico and the United States.
For further information: Call details.


Further resourses linked to this project:
Social and Solidarity Economy Ecosystems flyer
Summary of the 10th December 2020 Webinar: Leveraging Legal Frameworks to Scale the Social and Solidarity Economy


For general information about the Global Action, please contact socialeconomyandinnovation@oecd.org